When the FBI takes orders from Organized Crime, I would not expect a policeman’s job to get any safer. When the FBI director arranges a non-indict for a rouge attorney general who has jeopardized the lives of the entire country, it is kind of natural for the kooks at the bottom of society’s ladder to become unhinged.
Supply side economics used to be called trickle down economics. That was not at all accurate, even though that kind of intervention does have negative utility for the economy. Crime really does trickle down in a big way. When law at the top is not enforced do not think people at the bottom don’t notice. Let a felon off at the top and bottom tier criminals take is as permission to commit crimes.
As long as the mob owns government, don’t expect streets to get any safer.
Blacks can be a strange sort. They overwhelmingly support a felon for president but stay upset because the police target them. Don’t expect things to improve if a felon becomes president. Don’t expect things to get better while the mob owns government. It is kind of silly to complain about bad law enforcement and then support the mob’s favorite presidential candidate.