Trump Will Make Make You Pay For It

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So, Trump is going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. The president is absolutely extraordinary at getting people to pay for things. What you may not be clear on is that Trump is going to make you pay for everything in the end, including the wall between the United States and Mexico.

How will he make you pay? First he will manipulate you into needing his approval. Then you will believe anything he says. He will make you feel like a patriot for promoting your own poverty. Then he will manipulate you into a position where paying is your only choice. Paying will certainly be your path of least resistance. That is how he is getting Mexico to pay. He will convince you that paying is a good thing so you will be deemed a good American in his eyes. Lastly, he will make sure you cannot figure out exactly how money is being drained out of your pockets.

Convincing people that tariffs are a good deal is easy because people don’t think when it comes to politics. It is much harder to convince people that it is best to run an 8 cylinder engine on just 7 cylinders. It makes about as much sense to tax foreign goods and services coming into the country.

What the Trump tariffs will cost you amounts to far more than a wall between the United States and Mexico. If a shooting war breaks out as a result, tariffs may cost you your life. The Trump fiscal stimulus initiative is transferring countless dollars in wealth from the bottom of the food chain to the top. Does anyone mind? Who is thinking about it?

The economic recovery has been completely fueled by rising asset prices. Trump is pressuring the Federal Reserve to make even more money available for stock buybacks in order to push the market even higher. Just know that in time it will all crash since the values are largely artificial. When the economy collapses, you will end up paying for it with bailouts. When that happens, Trump will make you feel like a hero, patriot and a genuine wonderful person for stepping up and bailing out the billionaires of the world.

Just know that when Trump says some other country is going to pay for something, it is you who are going to get the final bill.
The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

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