Will the Real Government Please Stand Up

xxSince 2006 I have been telling Americans they have no representation in Congress. From birth Americans are taught that the right to vote gives them authority over government. Why would they not believe that? There are mountains of evidence that demonstrated they in fact get no representation.

Last week Yahoo published an eye-opening article. It was pulled down and hidden within 45 minutes. In case it disappears completely, I copied it to text. Here it is before it does disappear.


Here is a list of some of the billionaires who make regular visits to the White House. It makes no difference whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican. Billionaires are at the White House constantly for the purpose of getting what they want out of government and they want a lot.

Each billionaire in terms of IQ is smarter than the President and all of the members of both houses of Congress. Their herding skills are also higher. When any of these people are questioned by congress, it is obvious that law makers are questioning their bosses. The consequences to a lawmaker for crossing one of these folks is severe.

The list is not complete. These are the biggest ones. Together with their lobbyists, they write all legislation and determine which bills make it to the floor. Together, the world’s billionaires are the U.S. government.

Rex Tillerson, CEO, Exxon Mobil (XOM)

Mary Barra, CEO, General Motors (GM)

Mark Fields, CEO, Ford Motor Co. (F)

Randall Stephenson CEO, AT&T (T)

Larry Merlo, CEO, CVS Caremark (CVS)

Jamie Dimon, CEO, J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM)

George Paz, CEO, Express Scripts (ESRX)

Virginia Rometty, CEO, IBM (IBM)

John Stumpf, CEO, Wells Fargo (WFC)

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman Sachs (GS)

George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management

The Grazin’ is Good by Curbside Jimmy, It is all about our herding nature.



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