Will Trump Take Office?

0Trump won, right? That does not mean he will take office automatically.  There will be one or more events take place between now and inauguration. The purpose will be to prevent a Trump administration from taking office. Probably an event will be created to facilitate imposing martial law.

How am I so sure? The political system Americans believe to be operating in the United States is only a fantasy. Important issues are decided outside of the formal political system. Events and circumstance are engineered to accommodate the goals and aspirations of  citizens who have the power to dominate others including those who are holding public office.

Citizens lost control of government many years ago but are duped into believing they have authority over those they elect. The events of 2008 have largely been forgotten. Few even remember the TARP bill that  passed that year. The bill was passed over the loud objections of voters. Many representative’s voters were 1000 to 1 against the bailout. The bill was passed anyway just as if the constituents did not even exist. In the minds of the elites, the voters only exist as a nuisance. The response to this event by the rank and file was to forget that it happened. It was a wake up call that almost no one heard. The democratic principles the country is founded on were not functioning. Ordinary people have not suffered enough to care. But the meaning is that citizens have neither the power or the will to control government.

Since 2008 the will of the majority has been overridden repeatedly.

Industries have many different names and functions but the activities that generate profits are those of controlling and managing public opinion. This is human herding. If the herd does not respond to normal stimulation such as propaganda and fear, do not expect the masters to throw in the towel.

If Donald Trump takes office more money than can easily be fathomed will be lost and flushed away. Turning the country back over to citizens is not going to be accomplished without a fight and probably a bloody one.

I am expecting a war to break out. Most likely there will be an attack on U.S. soil.  In any case the event or events will be of the type that justify imposing martial law.


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