Economics of Self Esteem

00_selfesteemThe chart  illustrates the relationship between self esteem and gullibility. The relationship holds even though the variables cannot be described with actual numbers.

Regular readers understand than for human beings work is a second choice.  Main street economists cannot be right very often because in that crowd, work is treated as a first choice. Poor people do not have the manipulative skills to live off of the efforts of others. Those with middle class incomes fare slightly better, but not much.

The best way to extract income out of others is to do everything possible to work their self esteem to ridiculously high levels. So great are the efforts to elevate every American’s self esteem to the highest possible levels, that citizens are now almost completely gullible. Taking their money without giving them anything in return is a piece of cake.

Today government policy  makes certain anyone who has saved money receives in interest far less than they would receive in an honest market.  Are they unhappy? No, because they believe the Federal Reserve is doing what is best for the country by starving them of their rightful  income.  What loose money policy actually accomplishes is to extract money from people who work and transfer it to people who own financial assets, purchased with money that has been given them for doing absolutely nothing.

Those who are solidly anchored in humility are at a distinct advantage. There is an old saying I will paraphrase. “If you present yourself as a maple, you will get sapped.”

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