Government Is Like A Garden PDF Version
Suppose you plant a garden on a clear patch of soil.
Then, you plant seeds and flowers grow.
Then, your mind gets occupied with life’s issues.
Finally…. you check on your wonderful garden and discover it has become overgrown with weeds.
Weeds will not go away on their own.
You have a few choices.
You can give up on the garden and let the weeds have it.
You can destroy the garden and grow another one in its place.
You can carefully pull up the weeds so that the flowers can continue growing.
Suppose citizens establish a country based on sound principles. (garden)
The country grows and the citizens flourish and find happiness.
Then the citizens get preoccupied with life’s issues – and forget about their country.
Their government becomes controlled by charlatans and thieves. (weeds}
Citizens have a few choices.
They can give up on their country and let the thieves have it.
They can dismantle the country and start a new one.
They can remove the thieves and charlatans who have destroyed the country.
James Quillian
Economist, Political Analyst, Natural Law
I wonder if it has to crash and burn first. I hate to sound overly pessimistic but the corruption is so deep and all encompassing that it feels like a fool’s errand. These gangsters will kill to protect their grifts.
I don’t see that you are pessimistic at all. To be pessimistic, you would have to be seeing things as worse than they really are. My concern is that you might be overly optimistiic.
Given these things, I always end up being surprised. This time it is that outside of the echo chambers, no one is even paying attention. It is as if our betters, who have the privilege of studying alien technology have found a way to release thought waves that render all Americans to be docile humble dumplings.
As for our betters, surely they see it coming..Certainly they have a plan. As for people waking up, that kind of scares me. They will be scared and confused. Then they will run to government, give up the rest of their rights so that they can return to being humble dumplings.