How To Make Money

<img class=”alignleft wp-image-3133″ src=”” alt=”jobs” width=”451″ height=”351″ />Contrary to popular belief, prostitution is not the world’s oldest profession. Armed robbery came before prostitution. Before that, taking things by force, arms or not, was the world’s oldest profession. Perhaps prostitution was late because outright rape was common place among early savages.

The activities of the Federal Reserve and other central banks are actually far more destructive than the crimes the cavemen committed. And, with cavemen it wasn’t even a crime. It was part of survival.

The activity of work is where the concept of money begins. In the early days, when more was produced than consumed, usually the most precious portable commodity served as money. Precious metals became popular, gold especially. The natural amount of money in a society consist of money earned but not spent plus the amount that can reasonably be expected to be repaid when loaned out. Work is the only way to create money.

Central banks create currency and demand deposits independently of work performed. Work is what backs up money. Without work money ceases to exist.

Money created by central banks has only one purpose. That is to extract real money from people who have actually worked and earned and give it to people who have political power but who do no work at all. The average man can feel the disappearance of his money but has no idea what is causing it to disappear. Beginning with TARP and followed by multiple quantitative easing initiatives it has been open season on most everyone in the United States.

Money will continue to disappear from its rightful owners for as long as citizens believe the federal reserve is anything other than a political organization carrying out political agendas.


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