In spring of 2020 I published the following article.
Anticipating The Yikes Moment
I recommend reading it right now. I don’t know what stunts are available to stop the market from tanking right now. In the absence of a new heroic approach to move stocks higher, a crash in the near future is highly likely.
Right now, the ALGOs are failing to control the market intra-day, which is their function. Intra-day chart patterns. Anytime volume makes a clear parabola, that is a good sign that the market is being professionally and expertly manicured. This pattern is now absent everyday. . The market can only be ratcheted higher if overall volume is kept light. For the most part it still is, but stocks remain under pressure.
All that has to happen to crash the market is an increase in selling of long term holdings. Hedging is expensive. Eventually, hedgers will become Sellers. Every crash I have observed has come when stocks have already been weak for some time.
The masters of the universe are beginning not to trust one another. The elite are entering an every man for himself situation.
The time is right.
Views: 36
I hate to be a partisan. becuz I hate both parties BUT I can’t help but love Mr. TRUMP for the simple reason that if they hate this man that much he must be doing something at least PARTIALLY right! He is FAR from perfect James but he at least pushes back a little bit! A m I wrong? Am I engaging in what they used to call a “hope jag” in the olden days?? Pardon me if I am but we live in desolate times, and I hhave to find hope where I can, i guess.
As you know, I use the fantasy free approach, Candidates and politicians tell voters what they want to hear. Otherwise, they would never be elected. When Trump Ran in 2016 I voted for him for the same reason he seems to be your preference. I even contributed $10.00 to his effort.
Fine, Hilary lost so, mission accomplished. Trump lost me when the initiated the largest spending bill in history, pushed tariffs with china and began taking credit for a good stock market when he called it a big fat bubble during his campaign. He was also gung ho masks and vaccines.
All in all it makes little difference at this point. Voting has been diffused of any of its political value. Voters are pandered to just enough to to get leaders elected. That is where it ends for voters. From that point on, politicians support whoever or whatever gains them more power and supports their essence.
Where Republicans are concerned, they have faith in the system and insist on working within the formal political system. All that takes place of any significance is accomplished from outside of the system. Most Republicans deem themselves to be conservatives. I suppose working within the system deems them good Americans and proper behavior becoming of a conservative.
Sometime, do a search for a list if laws passed during 2022. I can’t find one bill that I even knew to up for consideration. This is how business is carried out. The public stays focused on illegal immigration, trans agenda, who is woke and who isn’t and so forth. The actual business in congress goes on as if voters don’t matter/ Why? They don’t.
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