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We know very little about truth and reality. We know we are alive and we know we will eventually die. But, no one knows what life is. No one knows what death is. We know we are conscious but we don’t know what consciousness is. Is life itself consciousness or is consciousness independent of life and present in or around living things? No one can answer these questions, not a soul. Life is often said to be a gift and a privilege but is that so? Clearly it is not a choice. It may be a wonderful thing but as far as we can tell no one or anything ever volunteered to be alive.

What about truth? The term truth is used constantly but but there is very little that can be authoritatively deemed as true. We can’t help but notice an ongoing process in the world. Basically all animals including humans either kill and consume other animals in order to survive. or they they die. Out of this comes system based on of dominance and subservience. Survival is only possible if humans as a species come out ahead in this game of dominance and subservience.

Does being part of that seem appealing? Human beings would rather explain it all in a different light or simply not think about these basic questions. Add to all of that an eternal blanket uncertainty about everything else we have in our lives. We are born into this system and it is the way that it is whether we like it or not or even choose not to think about it.

This is reality and lifetimes are spent running from these, questions or pretending there are no questions. The escape from reality begins early. People run from reality and create a distance from it but eventually reality catches them. Reality eventually imposes itself on every human being. The alternative is to stop running and turn around and stare reality in the face.

Some unhappiness always occurs once that decision is made. The whole of reality is not something we can grasp. We can accurately observe the system of dominance and subservience that governs our existence. Nature provides a gift of immediate accurate discernment but it is only available to the small number of people who view the world without having the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. When the mind is fantasy free the real reason for the occurrence of various events and behaviors becomes perfectly clear.

It becomes very clear that in politics and life in the aggregate in general, that self interest is the only relevant incentive of each and all who are involved. Citizens fantasize that their elected leaders are tirelessly working on their behalf because citizens are special. Of, course this is not true. Elected leaders are in office in order to get the most out of the job for themselves as is possible. Nature does not provide an incentive to serve so it is foolish to assume that it is present. Really awful conditions develop because citizens get this backwards.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts



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The Truth About Reality

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We know very little about truth and reality. We know we are alive and we know we will eventually die. But, no one knows what life is. No one knows what death is. We know we are conscious but we don’t know what consciousness is. Is life itself consciousness or is consciousness independent of life and present in or around living things? No one can answer these questions, not a soul. Life is often said to be a gift and a privilege but is that so? Clearly it is not a choice. It may be a wonderful thing but as far as we can tell no one or anything ever volunteered to be alive.

What about truth? The term truth is used constantly but but there is very little that can be authoritatively deemed as true. We can’t help but notice an ongoing process in the world. Basically all animals including humans either kill and consume other animals in order to survive. or they they die. Out of this comes system based on of dominance and subservience. Survival is only possible if humans as a species come out ahead in this game of dominance and subservience.

Does being part of that seem appealing? Human beings would rather explain it all in a different light or simply not think about these basic questions. Add to all of that an eternal blanket uncertainty about everything else we have in our lives. We are born into this system and it is the way that it is whether we like it or not or even choose not to think about it.

This is reality and lifetimes are spent running from these, questions or pretending there are no questions. The escape from reality begins early. People run from reality and create a distance from it but eventually reality catches them. Reality eventually imposes itself on every human being. The alternative is to stop running and turn around and stare reality in the face.

Some unhappiness always occurs once that decision is made. The whole of reality is not something we can grasp. We can accurately observe the system of dominance and subservience that governs our existence. Nature provides a gift of immediate accurate discernment but it is only available to the small number of people who view the world without having the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. When the mind is fantasy free the real reason for the occurrence of various events and behaviors becomes perfectly clear.

It becomes very clear that in politics and life in the aggregate in general, that self interest is the only relevant incentive of each and all who are involved. Citizens fantasize that their elected leaders are tirelessly working on their behalf because citizens are special. Of, course this is not true. Elected leaders are in office in order to get the most out of the job for themselves as is possible. Nature does not provide an incentive to serve so it is foolish to assume that it is present. Really awful conditions develop because citizens get this backwards.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts



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The Cholesterol of Democracy

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Virtue signaling is to democracy as cholesterol is to arteries. Are you familiar with the term?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it this way. “an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media:”

It is my observation that people on the right are more prolific virtue signalers than those on the left. Continue reading

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Fusion of Government Crime and Religion

The Affordable Health Care Act is a skimming operation similar in structure to what the mob used to profit from docks, bakery, unions and building industries during the 70s. Crime has no downside to criminals who learn to legalize activities through control of government.

Having government pay for healthcare is not complicated. Americans insist that government pay for health care. Like all economics issues. the optimum way to pay for healthcare in a system where all parties reject the free market concept, can be explained in a sentence or two.

Do not mistake Medicare for healthcare. It is not. It is insurance. Medicare is insurance for all. Insurance for all reduces physicians incentives to care for patients. With insurance for all, your doctor has more of a rent seeking incentive than anything else. Continue reading

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Your Punishment For Believing Lies

We know very little about truth and reality. We know we are alive and we know we will eventually die. But, no one knows what life is. No one knows what death is. We know we are conscious but we don’t know what consciousness is. Is life itself consciousness or is consciousness independent of life and present in or around living things? No one can answer these questions, not a soul. Life is often said to be a gift and a privilege but is that so? Clearly it is not a choice. It may be a wonderful thing but as far as we can tell no one or anything ever volunteered to be alive.

What about truth? The term truth is used constantly but but there is very little that can be authoritatively deemed as true. We can’t help but notice an ongoing process in the world. Basically all animals including humans either kill and consume other animals in order to survive. or they they die. Out of this comes system based on of dominance and subservience. Survival is only possible if humans as a species come out ahead in this game of dominance and subservience.

Does being part of that seem appealing? Human beings would rather explain it all in a different light or simply not think about these basic questions. Add to all of that an eternal blanket uncertainty about everything else we have in our lives. We are born into this system and it is the way that it is whether we like it or not or even choose not to think about it.

This is reality and lifetimes are spent running from these, questions or pretending there are no questions. The escape from reality begins early. People run from reality and create a distance from it but eventually reality catches them. Reality eventually imposes itself on every human being. The alternative is to stop running and turn around and stare reality in the face.

Some unhappiness always occurs once that decision is made. The whole of reality is not something we can grasp. We can accurately observe the system of dominance and subservience that governs our existence. Nature provides a gift of immediate accurate discernment but it is only available to the small number of people who view the world without having the handicap of looking through the prism of fantasy. When the mind is fantasy free the real reason for the occurrence of various events and behaviors becomes perfectly clear.

It becomes very clear that in politics and life in the aggregate in general, that self interest is the only relevant incentive of each and all who are involved. Citizens fantasize that their elected leaders are tirelessly working on their behalf because citizens are special. Of, course this is not true. Elected leaders are in office in order to get the most out of the job for themselves as is possible. Nature does not provide an incentive to serve so it is foolish to assume that it is present. Really awful conditions develop because citizens get this backwards.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.


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Why The News Media Is So Dishonest

EU-Media-Futures-Forum-pic_0I can’t imagine the difficulty of trying to go fantasy free cold turkey. I was born this way. Nature provides all animals with the ability to access the meaning of almost every situation or threat. Animals can immediately grasp and understand the exact circumstance they are in and understand what is going on around them. Indulging in fantasy greatly inhibits these abilities.  When fantasy free we see the truth. When fantasies are indulged in we see a preferred alternative to the truth.

Honesty in the news media is a contradiction. The media is not honest, never has been and never will be.  Before I get specific, there is an important principle of natural law that is relevant. An action that has an immoral beginning, will have a negative outcome. Almost all of the income news organizations receive comes from advertising. What is advertising other than telling lies and embellishing? There is no way a process which begins with an immoral activity will ever generate an honest outcome through what it produces. Advertising itself is not immoral. It is the lying that is immoral. Truthful ads are a wast of money so there are at most very few.

For politicians, to get the media on their side, all they need do is to pay them by making the outcome of elections supportive of their bottom lines.  The media supports whatever is most profitable for them to support. The media is a prime beneficiary of the corporate welfare system that has replaced our free market ideology. There is no way a news organization would support a candidate who would interrupt the flow of government benefits global corporations receive. A return to a free market system would be a great benefit to the U.S. economy but it would hurt news organizations and the huge corporations that  buy advertising.



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The Healthcare Solution

Having government pay for healthcare is not complicated. Americans insist that government pay for health care. Like all economics issues the optimum way to pay for healthcare in a system where all parties reject the free market concept can be explained in a sentence or two.

Do not mistake Medicare for healthcare. It is not. It is insurance. Medicare for is insurance for all. Insurance for all reduces physicians incentives to care for patients. With insurance for all, your doctor has more of a rent seeking incentive than anything else. Continue reading

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A Fantasy Free Thanksgiving

It is no fantasy that we all have something to be thankful for. Some have more to be thankful for than others. My thoughts today are with those who are simply thankful that they have only what it takes to survive just for today and little more. That group is far larger than the number of Americans who live in complete comfort.

On Thanksgiving today, my focus as it is everyday, is on addressing the severe circumstances we all face today. Yes, be thankful today but take nothing for granted. Don’t forget that the way we spend our time and energy will determine whether or not we still have so much to be thankful for this time next year.

Greetings to my readers in China. Perhaps we have more freedom than you do. I only wish we had as much freedom as many of you think we do.

The truth is a hard sell.Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.

Fantasy Free Economics recommends the following blogs.

Dandelion Salad Of Two Minds Liberty Blitzkrieg Mises Institute Straight Line Logic Paul Craig Roberts


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Evolutionary Psychology

I highly recommend becoming familiar with a few principles of evolutionary psychology. These folks are getting it right with respect to why we do what we do. This is a very short explanation and it is very much worth spending the less than five minutes it takes to watch it.

The truth is a hard sell. Fantasy Free Economics gains readers one at a time. Major search engines simply do not list blogs which disagree with their political agenda. As long as folks share the link to this blog and others speaking out against the grain, the truth will at least trickle into the public consciousness.


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