UFO Dialogue In Government

Times are very interesting. We have an economy where all the unearned money in the world is devoted to preventing the stock market from falling. When that can no longer be done, the entire economy will crash.

Economies around the world are shut down or disabled due to the emergence of the Corona Virus. The overall death rate in the U.S. is about the same as it is every year. Even in states where masks are no longer required, ordinary people are scared to take them off.

The tech, insurance and banking corporations authored the worldwide response to the Corona Virus. They are prospering like nothing before.

A handful of corporate insiders and other elites have literally conquered the world and are no dictating policy to virtually every government in the world. Countries around the world are baiting one another into war.

Ordinary citizens are complying with government edicts, waiting for all of these issues to disappear just like the have in the past.

And, now your government is about to release information to the effect of, UFO’s may very well be monitoring our military bases and that this all needs to be recognized and dealt with.

Personally, I have never given much thought to UFO dialog and alleged sightings. There are very good reasons why we have never been visited bu aliens and most likely every be. That is because if all life, including alien, is subject to the same laws of dominance and subservience they will destroy themselves long before they ever make it out of their solar systems.

History shows that the life’s power struggle does not lose its intensity no matter how much power is consolidated. Human beings never stop seeking power. The world is like a big game of king of the mountain. Technology makes it possible to kill more and more people with fewer
resources and less effort.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Peasants in the field, on average are hardly corrupt at all. Corruption at the top, like with world leaders is so pronounced it is unfathomable. It is so unfathomable that folks insist on deeming it otherwise. In the end, given our system of dominance and subservience, certainty any intelligent life on earth will kill itself off long before any serious space travel is possible.

But, there is no certainty that the same system of regulating life on earth is present on any other planets where there is life. Chances are though that life is life and it works the same way no matter where it is.

Scared people are a wonderful market. They will pay almost unlimited sums for even the illusion of safety and security. So, if there is even a hint that aliens are scoping out our world, the cost of living will skyrocket astronomically. Who wouldn’t surrender most rights to a central authority
in order to be protected from invading aliens from outer space?

Realistically, if an alien civilization is advanced enough to make it here, we  might as well just throw in the towel and wait and see what they do to us, if anything all. We all know that you can’t get something for nothing. Perhaps aliens can show us that there really is a way to get something for nothing. That would sure make a lot of human beings happy.

Visits: 17

UFO Dialogue In Government

UFO Dialogue In Government PDF Version

Times are very interesting. We have an economy where all the unearned money in the world is devoted to preventing the stock market from falling. When that can no longer be done, the entire economy will crash.

Economies around the world are shut down or disabled due to the emergence of the Corona Virus. The overall death rate in the U.S. is about the same as it is every year. Even in states where masks are no longer required, ordinary people are scared to take them off.

The tech, insurance and banking corporations authored the worldwide response to the Corona Virus. They are prospering like nothing before.

A handful of corporate insiders and other elites have literally conquered the world and are no dictating policy to virtually every government in the world.

Countries around the world are baiting one another into war.

Ordinary citizens are complying with government edicts, waiting for all of these issues to disappear just like the have in the past.

And, now your government is about to release information to the effect of, UFO’s may very well be monitoring our military bases and that this all needs to be recognized and dealt with.

Personally, I have never given much thought to UFO dialog and alleged sightings. There are very good reasons why we have never been visited bu aliens and most likely every be. That is because if all life, including alien, is subject to the same laws of dominance and subservience they will destroy themselves long before they ever make it out of their solar systems.

History shows that the life’s power struggle does not lose its intensity no matter how much power is consolidated. Human beings never stop seeking power. The world is like a big game of king of the mountain. Technology makes it possible to kill more and more people with fewer resources and less effort.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Peasants in the field, on average are hardly corrupt at all. Corruption at the top, like with world leaders is so pronounced it is unfathomable. It is so unfathomable that folks insist on deeming it otherwise. In the end, given our system of dominance and subservience, certainty any intelligent life on earth will kill itself off long before any serious space travel is possible.

But, there is no certainty that the same system of regulating life on earth is present on any other planets where there is life. Chances are though that life is life and it works the same way no matter where it is.

Scared people are a wonderful market. They will pay almost unlimited sums for even the illusion of safety and security. So, if there is even a hint that aliens are scoping out our world, the cost of living  will skyrocket astronomically. Who wouldn’t surrender most rights to a central authority in order to be protected from invading aliens from outer space?

Realistically, if an alien civilization is advanced enough to make it here, we might as well just throw in the towel and wait and see what they do to us, if anything all.

We all know that you can’t get something for nothing. Perhaps aliens can show us that there really is a way to get something for nothing. That would sure make a lot of human beings happy.

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 Why The United States Of America Is Doomed

Very simply, the mindset of the citizens is
conducive to what is normal in a centralized system
and actually destroys free markets and democratic
principles. Both are necessary and are all that has
created the high living standards Americans are
used to.

In a true democratic system, the citizens lead and
government follows. In order to manage
government, citizens need as much information as is
possible to obtain. In our system, most of which is
reverent, is withheld from them. It is reasoned that
ordinary people would misunderstand and misuse
information that only those in power can use wisely.
The overall population buys into this notion. Is it true.

The common man is hopelessly inept and ignorant? If this is true, perhaps we should do away
with the jury system. Should grand juries have be the source of indictments with respect to all
cases including complex situations. If ordinary people are so stupid, why is our legal system,
based on the jury system, operating so well while other institutions are functioning so miserably?
Should a panel of experts decide who stands trial and who doesn’t? Should all legal decisions be
handed down from the bench?

It is universally acknowledged that power corrupts. Do you disagree? Does absolute power
corrupt absolutely? Are there any who believe otherwise? If all power corrupts and complete
power guarantees total corruption, does it not make sense that those who are high up on the
power scale are many more times corrupt than the people who elect them?
Citizens want government to solve their problems and assuage their fears. Those in charge are
looking for fears and problems to exploit. In today’s world government is even protecting
citizens from insulting one another. Assuaging fears is such a profitable activity, various entities
now scare people in order to sell them goods and services as protection.

With this mindset cemented in tact, it is an absolute certainty our system will collapse.

Democracy and free markets demand a mindset that is comparable with these systems. That
mindset is messing so our system will indeed collapse.



Visits: 5

Breaking The Code

By using natural law, I have completely broken the code with respect to Economics, Politics and many other disciplines. So, I am starting an initiative to show others how to do the same.  There is really nothing to it.

Because social media is no longer of help to Fantasy Free Economics and other not main stream sites, I am beginning to post videos on my own server In addition to YouTube. It is almost certain to be banned on YouTube in the near future.  The video below is the first of our new video effort. Neither Steve  nor I is at all media savvy although Steve is much better at it than I am. We are doing it anyway because our message is so powerful.

This actually takes no brains. Natural law is the is a great equalizer in that it renders all of us of average intelligence more adept at understanding and explaining economic and political phenomenon than all of the highly esteemed intellectuals scattered across the globe.

Step 1 is to understand a certain gift that nature gives, all beings with brains, a gift that gives them a survival that is rooted in in their DNA.

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The Hypocrisy Of The Right

Conservatives, right wingers, republicans, and whatever else they want to call themselves think of themselves as champions of freedom and small government. They come out in droves to set the classic socialists straight.  Yet, there is not one demonstrative conservative or free market initiative in the world today. The notion seems to be that if enough Americans are of the right frame of mind the wind of God will blow the country onto the right track without anyone having to lift a finger. Of course that is giving everyone too much credit.

Conservative talk radio show hosts shamelessly exploit the situation by keeping endless dialog going. Never in 1000 years, on talk radio will you ever hear a direct appeal to close a government agency or repeal a law.

People do what makes their lives turn out best. Most small government conservatives get more in government benefits than are received by the poor and downtrodden. So, who is going to want laws repealed that support them financially? In the minds of the patriots as they like to call themselves, “Free markets are for my benefit but in my personal life I must be protected from free market competition.”

The essence of the groups which identify as conservative generally comes from government in such a big way, they are not about to shoot themselves in the foot by actually reining in government.

There are two basic choices in an economy. There is the free market concept and then there is economics by force. All groups with which folks identify opt for economics by force. Prior to about 600 years ago, economics by force was all there was. All of the enormous economic growth the world has experienced during that time came from the emergence of freedom for the individual. As it is, the proponents of freedom in the United States are opting for economics by force just as are the classic socialists the criticize. The conservative movement is thwarted when all who identify with it want to have it arranged so that they personally have the option of using economics of force while everyone else is bound by laws of competition.

Even if 100% of the population agrees intellectually that establishing a free market economy is the best path, it is never going to happen as long as the same folks derive their essence out of government programs. Many conservatives work in government agencies that need to be closed. They see themselves as doing something critical and that reining in government needs to start somewhere else.

This is a genuine dilemma. What does a person believe? True belief turns into action. The way we spend our time and energy is a good picture of what we really believed.

It is not the left wing and the confessed socialists who are destroying the country. At least they can be managed. Who is destroying the country? It is the very folks who claim to be trying to save it. That is because they are currently doing more of what they are afraid the classic socialists will do already, than the classic socialists themselves could ever do.

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The Stock Market Is All There Is

As far as I know, I am the only economist in theworld who is predicting the collapse of the United States of America. I don’t mean that we are just going to experience a depression. I am talking about our political system collapsing as well. Expect an event of the same nature as what took place in the old Soviet Union when that system collapsed.

Why am I so sure? While other economists focus on numbers alone, I look at the forces in nature that cause those numbers to be what they are. All one need to know is that the ingredients that cause prosperity and peaceful living have been removed from our system. Our free market system has been dismantled. In politics, belligerence has replaced democratic principles. as the driving force. Without these two items, the country has no prayer of recovering from a depression or restoring itself politically. From this point on we are living in an every man for himself situation. The country is going to collapse. Watch and remember who told you so.

The same people who have no doubt that the 2020 presidential race was tampered with and rigged are completely unwilling to entertain the idea that the stock market is completely rigged. The stock market is not just rigged, it is micromanaged higher. What the GameStop retail traders on steroids are doing on a daily basis has been going on with high frequency firms for decades. So, what is driving GDP? It is high asset prices and government spending. The collapse will come when the stock market finally breaks. The driving force behind economic growth since 2009 has been nothing other than the purposeful elevation of stock prices. So, what is driving stocks higher right now? In many cases, we might as well be trading bags of sand from the beach. There is no actual thing causing stock prices to rise other than the staunch determination to keep them moving higher.

There are two scenarios that are reasonable. Prices can continue to mush down in a tepid downtrend until a serious decline accelerates the process. Or, It can all happen on one day from hell that comes out of nowhere. I am inclined to go with the second potential case.

With limit down rules in place, it could take days or weeks for retail customers to liquidate. The stock market really is all there is to the economy. Once it breaks, everything in the world will change suddenly.

Visits: 10

The Stock Market Is All There Is

As far as I know, I am the only economist in the
world who is predicting the collapse of the United
States of America. I don’t mean that we are just
going to experience a depression. I am talking about
our political system collapsing as well. Expect an
event of the same nature as what took place in the
old Soviet Union when that system collapsed.

Why am I so sure? While other economists focus on
numbers alone, I look at the forces in nature that
cause those numbers to be what they are. All one
need to know is that the ingredients that cause
prosperity and peaceful living have been removed
from our system. Our free market system has been dismantled. In politics, belligerence has replaced democratic principles. as the driving force. Without
these two items, the country has no prayer of recovering from a depression or restoring itself politically.

From this point on we are living in an every man for himself situation. The country is going to collapse. Watch and remember who told you so.

The same people who have no doubt that the 2020 presidential race was tampered with and
rigged are completely unwilling to entertain the idea that the stock market is completely rigged.
The stock market is not just rigged, it is micromanaged higher. What the GameStop retail traders
on steroids are doing on a daily basis has been going on with high frequency firms for decades.

So, what is driving GDP? It is high asset prices and government spending. The collapse will
come when the stock market finally breaks. The driving force behind economic growth since
2009 has been nothing other than the purposeful elevation of stock prices. So, what is driving
stocks higher right now? In many cases, we might as well be trading bags of sand from the
beach. There is no actual thing causing stock prices to rise other than the staunch determination
to keep them moving higher.

There are two scenarios that are reasonable. Prices can continue to mush down in a tepid
downtrend until a serious decline accelerates the process. Or, It can all happen on one day from
hell that comes out of nowhere. I am inclined to go with the second potential case.

With limit down rules in place, it could take days or weeks for retail customers to liquidate. The
stock market really is all there is to the economy. Once it breaks, everything in the world will
change suddenly.

Visits: 5

Eating Out Of The Master’s Hand

Suppose we want to gain control over a puppy dog
and obtain its enduring loyalty. How do we do it?
We get it eating out of our hands.

How do persons and other entities gain control over
over one another? How do individuals become loyal
to others and institutions? These tasks, with respect
to other people are accomplished in the same way as
they are with animals.

Facebook offers subscribers a free Facebook page
where they can advertise themselves, make
statements and interact in countless ways. Open a
Facebook page and Facebook has you eating out of
its hand.

Google offers numerous free services and thus has you eating out of its hand.

Eat out of the hands of Facebook and Google and they become your masters. A puppy dog will
not turn against its master once a relationship with a master is established. It works the same way
with human beings.

I don’t use either so that makes me like a stray dog in danger of being picked up by the pound.
What about you? It is hard to figure which way is better.


Visits: 5

Eating Out Of The Master’s Hand

Eating Out Of The Masters Hand PDF Version

Suppose we want to gain control over a puppy dog and obtain its enduring loyalty. How do we do it? We get it eating out of our hands.

How do persons and other entities gain control over over one another? How do individuals become loyal to others and institutions? These tasks, with respect to other people are accomplished in the same way as they are with animals.

Facebook offers subscribers a free Facebook page where they can advertise themselves, make statements and interact in countless ways. Open a Facebook page and Facebook has you eating out of its hand.

Google offers numerous free services and thus has you eating out of its hand.

Eat out of the hands of Facebook and Google and they become your masters. A puppy dog will not turn against its master once a relationship with a master is established. It works the same way with human beings.

I don’t use either so that makes me like a stray dog in danger of being picked up by the pound. What about you? It is hard to figure which way is better.




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