Political Medicine and Life Expectancy

Do we have classic socialized medicine in the United States?

Do we have national healthcare inspired by European
Democratic socialism? What we have is political medicine.
With socialism , goods and services are rationed by something other than price.

Who gets what or how much in terms of healthcare is
determined by political power. Those with little or no political power have get very little to none in terms of healthcare.

How does Obama Care kill ? It turns doctors into clerks and patients into commodities.
Insurance plans are actually life management plans and have no characteristics of
genuine insurance. Under Obama Care , preventive healthcare comes down to starting
patients with anointed maladies on big pharma life extending prescriptions drugs.
Doctors no longer talk to patients about genuine preventive measures like losing weight.

A doctor’s role now , is  to mine for problems to exploit on behalf of the huge financially
powerful firms which lobbied for decades to get the bill passed. After those are found,
any other patient issues are explained away, postponed or ignored.

Doctors now act as agents of the state…. helping to carry out national healthcare agendas.
From your doctor, do you get his opinion or a political opinion? Truth is not used in
politics. So, is truth used in medicine?

This is why the death rate in the U.S. is increasing. It is going to get a lot worse. When
was the last time you can remember a bad law being repealed in the United States?

Political Medicine and Life Expectancy
Free Economics, James Quillian
Posted on
December 23, 2021 by Fantasy Free Economics
Do we have classic socialized medicine in the United States?
Do we have national healthcare inspired by European
Democratic socialism? What we have is political medicine.
With socialism goods and services are rationed by something
other than price.

Who gets what or how much in terms of healthcare is
determined by political power. Those with little or no political
power have get very little to none in terms of healthcare.

How does ObamaCare kill? It turns doctors into clerks and patients into commodities.
Insurance plans are actually life management plans and have no characteristics of
genuine insurance. Under Obamacare preventive healthcare comes down to starting
patients with anointed maladies on big pharma life extending prescriptions drugs.
Doctors no longer talk to patients about genuine preventive measures like losing weight.

A doctor’s role is no to mine for problems to exploit on behalf of the huge financially
powerful firms which lobbied for decades to get the pill passed. After those are found,
any other patient issues are explained away, postponed or ignored.

Doctors now act as agents of the state helping to carry out national healthcare agendas.
From your doctor, do you get his opinion or a political opinion? Truth is not used in
politics. So, is truth used in medicine?

This is why the death rate in the U. S. is increasing. It is going to get a lot worse. When
was the last time you can remember a bad law being repealed in the United States?

Views: 10

Who Gets To Suffer?

Who Gets To Suffer PDF Version

One thing that is helpful in figuring out why

things turnout the way they do is ordinary thinking. There seems to be a moratorium on that activity.

As far as I know, I am the only person in the world who has pondered such  things as who came up with the Corona Virus Response? One hint is, given just by making an observation as to who and what is profiting greatly as a result.

Another unasked question is where does the incentive to censor information that is deemed not good for the masses to hear, see or read come from? Continue reading

Views: 6

Fake News

It is well known that Jean and I are tireless academics. For many years we have been doing research on how dogs communicate. What we have discovered is that many animals and especially dogs engage in mind to mind communication.  Experiments by others have shown that dogs pick up thoughts from their masters. Rupert Sheldrake of the United Kingdom has demonstrated time and time again that dogs read their owners minds.

But how is this accomplished? With sophisticated electronic equipment we have discovered the existence of thought waves. Dogs transmit and receive thought waves all along their spine to the tip of their tails. Human beings transmit and receive waves also very weakly. Humans have very weak receiving and transmuting capabilities but they are present nonetheless.  What is difficult for man is simple for dogs. Just as dogs have better olfactory facilities, their transmitting and receiving capabilities are highly developed and highly efficient.  Also, with mind to mind communication it is all images and impressions moving back and forth. There are no words. Humans transmit and receive but are not aware of what is happening.

What is amazing is the strength of the waves that leave a dogs tail. Thought waves, unlike light waves move from one point in the universe to another instantaneously.  It is literally possible for dogs to communicate with alien entities which live millions of light years away.

Sadly, dogs have very limited intelligence relative to their human counterparts.  Even though dogs are using the secrets of the universe they clearly are not aware of the importance of what they are doing.  It would be nice if we could use dogs like telegraph machines to communicate with foreign beings. Inter species communication has not been developed enough for humans to express their wishes to a dog or to interpret a dogs response.  These things are a work in progress but we have good start.

Disclaimer: This is a fake news story and a complete lie. Most of the world has never read a fake news story so we made one as a sample.

Because this is fake news, the Curbside Jimmy tune featured is A Lie Will Get You By.


Views: 10