Saving the Stock Market Again

Anyone can do this. All it takes is a fantasy free look. What happens next is as close to obvious as it ever will be when the genuine motivations of people are observed. Look at the world through the prism of fantasy and you are a resource. Take a fantasy free look and you are in control of your own thoughts and actions.

Here is what to expect with respect to the stock market and certain popular stocks.

Just by looking we know the system of sponsoring corporate buybacks, letting friends of the Fed break the law, not enforcing accounting laws and providing obscenely cheap money is coming to an end. There is trouble in paradise. For the same system to provide ever rising stock prices, all billionaires must be on the same page. They are not anymore.

Short squeezes are still working but not as well and must be accompanied by outright buying by central banks. Look for central banks to continue buying, mostly in important stocks they already own. That won’t be enough. At some point a market decline will not be easily controlled.

A number of trial balloons will be launched to see how the public will respond to central banks simply buying stocks outright to “save the world”. The public won’t object and of course no one who has money at risk will object. The public is still not aware of what central bank policy hurts them. The public won’t care.

There will be a strong push to nationalized large tech companies and other efforts will be made  to protect investors who have positions in these stocks. Probably an effort will be made to have the government buy facebook for an outrageous sum. How else can the results of so many misguided stock purchases be protected. Monumental efforts will be made to transfer as many stock losses to the tax payers as is possible. This is what TARP accomplished in 2008. It will happen again.

The crisis in 2008 began as real estate investors passed losses back to lenders rather than take the losses themselves. Mom and Pop started defaulting much later. In the next crisis, that will happen again. This time losses will need to be transferred on all kinds of assets. The public won’t mind. They don’t know any better.

All of this is knowable just by understanding human nature. Fantasy hides human nature so what to expect next is not something very many people will figure out.

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The End Is In Sight

So what is if for which the end is in sight? Attempts at self government have never really been started so it is not that. Certainly Americans are not going to give up virtue signaling. Humans are not going to give up their herding instincts. They will not stop worshiping their leaders. Mostly what is ending will never occur to the average person. Perhaps it will all be taught in a history class fifty years from now,

What is ending is a many decades long government asset enhancement initiative. It is not ending because of lack of interest. The process of the government forcing up high asset prices is ending because that practice had destroyed the United States economy. Do Americans care? Probably they would if they were not clueless to the fact that it has been ongoing since Ronald Reagan was in office.  Asset enhancement has been like food stamps for the rich although asset enhancement is far bigger than food stamps. Is capitalism the blame? It can’t be. Using government to rig markets and extract money out of the poor and middle class is not an attribute of capitalism.

Government forced high stock prices are coming to an end. The end of prosperity of the average American is also in sight.  The economy of the United States is destroyed. Running stock prices up to create aggregate demand provides only temporary prosperity and for only a few. We will see the end of that practice for at least forty years.

None of this will end because of new information and better ways of doing things. The only reason for these things will end is because, there are no more ways to enhance the value of assets through the use of government. The parasites have killed the host, or at least have weakened the host so much that it cannot function as it needs to.

It is silly to try and blame this on one particular president. Presidents are clueless when it comes to the financial markets and economics.

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Stock Market Comments 02/05/2018

As some may remember, I thought as 2017 closed out, there would be weakness in early January. The opposite occurred. My main point was then and is now that high asset prices by virtue of the stock market are the only source of demand in the economy.

The notion that rising stock prices will move GDP higher and draw the non wealthy members of the economy into the party is the justification for the Federal Reserve policy we have known since 2008. What is a PhD in economics good for? It is of great benefit to the one who has the degree because he does not have to prove anything. No effort will be spared by the elite to prevent a stock market reckoning.

A 666 drop in the Dow, is not a good deal for the Deep State. As, I have mentioned in previous posts, no effort will be spared to keep stocks moving higher and for sure to prevent a deadly crash. That is providing the political climate does not change.

The so called bubble is nothing more than a mature political agenda. As long as the political structure is in tact, efforts to turn the market up will be ongoing and relentless. The political system does seem to be falling apart. The chances are still very good that the central banks will escalate their outright buying. Suppose the market can no longer be supported despite pressure from the Deep State and the best efforts of the central banks. The public will be forced to take the losses, as happened in 2008.

People know instinctively that the government can stimulate the economy. People also know instinctively that experts within government can make life fare and solve every problem. What folks know instinctively does not work in the real world. Instinctive behaviors change very slowly, much slower than intellect. There was a time, when faith in authority and adherence to a group was completely necessary for the task of survival. Count on people to do what they are programmed to do instinctively. Trust government. Put faith in government. The alternative is to accept complete uncertainty as unavoidable and as the way of the world. Way down deep in the reptilian brain people are compelled to treat government as a parent.

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The Stock Market is Not a Bubble

Rush Limbaugh has flourished creating and exploiting the bubble in virtue signaling. As socialism goes on forever, opportunities to exploit the bubble in virtue signaling keep growing.”

Stocks are not being bought as investments. Stocks are not being bought because the public is giddy with optimism. What is being called a bubble is nothing of a kind. Stocks are being bought as a means of as a means of centralizing the world’s factors of production. How do I know? I am watching the process. Calling it a bubble certainly facilitates the task because the world’s population has no idea what is happening to them.

Where is the proof? You will have all the proof in 40 years after all the actors are dead and books are being written. The Gulf of Tonkin in the sixties was a real event. Today, we know the incident was manufactured by President Johnson in order to escalate the Vietnam War. The Battle ship of Maine was not actually blown up by the Spanish. It was blamed on the Spanish as an excuse to take over Cuba. In forty years you can read about today’s bad actors crime’s in an academic setting.

The stock market bubble today is not a real bubble. Central banks and on behalf of the elite of the world are being used, to corral the world’s resources into the hands of a  wealthy few. When accomplished, the Deep State masters will have and even easier time of determining what is bought and sold in every economy. Labor can be managed at much lower wages. Their control is already enormous but why stop there?.

The window of opportunity is there. Self government is being rejected in every country of the world. This is on the part of citizens. Virtue signaling has replaced all efforts to rein in government in the United States. The bubble is in virtue signaling. There is an entire industry devoted to virtue signaling. Conservative talk radio is an effervescent bubbling well of virtue signaling.  Add up all of the talk radio show host in the world. Then count the demonstrative conservative initiatives they have started. Zero is an actual number in the real number system. So they have actually started a number of initiatives, zero. How many laws are they trying to get repealed? Conservative dialog flies in all different direction. “It is the liberals who are the problem. Set those liberals straight.” They say. The liberals don’t do as much virtue signaling but they are getting absolutely nothing. Congress withholds and hordes information. The media is owned by the Deep State and promotes their aspirations. To American voters messiah seeking is the preferred political activity. Some voters wanted Hillary as their Messiah. She lost. More people wanted Trump as their messiah. What does the average voter know? Absolutely nothing. What do they think they know? Everything. The deep state has absolutely nothing to worry about with respect to conservatives among the world’s population. There aren’t any.

The world’s population is volunteering for slavery. The deep state is accommodating them. Is the stock market in a bubble? No, the central banks are buying up the worlds factors of production. That is why stocks don’t go down.


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Organized Crime Owns Your Government

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was terribly misguided when he made that quote. Democracy had never been thoroughly tried, so he can be forgiven for not foreseeing that there were more serious issues with the abuse of democracy than what originates with ordinary people. So, the United States is organized as a republic and that is supposed to keep the masses from voting everything in the treasury into their own pockets.

Over the years, new sophisticated systems of exploiting weaknesses in democracy have evolved and are now used. Experience shows that the poor do not have the wherewithal to petition government. The poor have not actually tried to take anything from the rich.

The unwashed masses actually have presented no threat to any moneyed interests in the United States. They have proven to be a constituency worth buying by providing a few benefits to them over the years. But, no money has ever been voted out of anyone else’s pockets based on any actions by the poor. Instead, democracy turns out to be an incubator for crime, especially of the organized variety.

Organized crime, by financing campaigns and running its own candidates has taken over government. Why would they not? Who is to stop them? Suppose an organized crime syndicate is worried about the FBI. Why not just buy the FBI? Why break a law? Just pass a new law legalizing a previously illegal activity.  What do they do to keep the keep the public on their side? They buy all of the media outlets and make sure citizens only hear what they want them to hear.

Americans get confused. They see a massive group of migrants marching towards the border. The march is reported on as if it was some kind of organic event that has just sprang up? The migrants are presented as if they are no different than any other people coming to the United States looking for a better life. But they are different. The march is orchestrated and masses of poor people entering the country have great economic benefit to the elite who finance and organize these events.

The founding fathers were right, that with democracy, some potential threats would have to be addressed. They did not anticipate that organized crime would take over the country. There is talk about “the shadow government.” There really is no such thing. It is organized crime that dictates policy to congress. It is organized crime that causes senators and congressmen to step down, when their re-election is a sure thing.

But, many Americans benefit from the things organized crime does. That is temporary but some Americans will always benefit and that makes it difficult to re-establish law and order.

The founding fathers, like all historical figures were not at all like they have always been popularly portrayed. They were motivated out of self interest like all living entities are. The founding fathers did not provide a method for testing the constitutionality of laws. They may very well have purposefully left openings for the exploitation of ordinary people. The Supreme Court, a political body, ended up with the role of deciding constitutionality of laws.


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Daylight Savings Time

One aspect of herd living is that laws only get repealed under the most extreme circumstances. Once a law is on the books the odds of it ever being repealed are close to zero percent. Most laws do more damage than good.

There are laws on the books that have been forgotten. The newest trend is enforcing laws against some but not others. Immigration laws are enforced according to political criteria.. Above certain income levels, laws are generally not enforced.

Does this sound odd? Actually it is perfectly normal. Human beings do not engage in genuine thought where politics is concerned. They profess to be thoughtful. How do we know they don’t think?  Personally I have opted out of the herd mentality.  That is a choice anyone can make. Be fantasy free and observe.

In just a few days, the daylight savings law will kick in. Americans will cooperate completely with just a few exceptions. We stay on Central Standard Time. Jean and I don’t change our clocks. This is not an act of defiance. We just prefer Central Standard Time. We are entering a period of global economic crisis. At this particular time folks who opt out of herd living will have a better chance of surviving financially.

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Gods of the United States of America

The big advantage to being Fantasy and euphemism free is in knowing what is going on in the world and knowing what to expect in terms of human behavior. For most people, seeing reality is akin to staring directly into the sun. It is much too harsh for the naked eye. Looking at the world and the universe without the prism of fantasy makes happiness very difficult. So for me happiness difficult to achieve. It is a choice, happiness or seeing reality. I have to ask. If happiness is not possible without believing lies, is it worth it? For me, I choose to live as close to the truth as I possibly can. Happiness can wait. Peace is a better option.  Happiness always has an expiration date. Peace is permanent.

Even though people profess to worship God as Christians, Jews, Muslims and others, in the United States they actually worship their leaders. In, the United States, where are faith and trust actually placed? Faith and trust are placed in leaders.

Most know that in ancient times, different populations worshiped different gods. The Philistines had one god. The Jews had another. When there was a battle, the side with the most powerful god won.

Notice that Americans don’t really participate in in self government. Some vote but when they do, they are electing a god. In 2016 United States citizens were electing their god. The god of conservatives was Donald Trump. The god of liberals was Hillary Clinton.

In ancient times, in wars, it wasn’t just the people who fought. The side with the more powerful god won. People of the less powerful god always served the people of the more powerful god. Democracy is actually a lot like a war. The big differences are no guns or swords.  In the United States today there is great fear among all who worshiped Hillary Clinton that they will be forced to serve the worshipers of the more powerful god, Donald Trump.

Please don’t think I am trying to be funny. This is the precise mentality of the people of the United States of America.



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World Domination And The Stock Market

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