What Folks Want Most From Government

What do folks want from government? How can
we determine what folks want? Those questions
are easy to answer. Look at who and what they
vote for.

People want to feel safe. Government has no
way to make life safe. Politicians can get elected
by promising to keep citizens safe. Imaginary
threats are even created as a means of
providing opportunities for getting votes by
means of making citizens feel safe. What is the
point of making the population feel safe? It is
an extremely profitable undertaking. Even
private companies hone in on this. What people
will pay in order to feel safe is seemingly unlimited. Want to start a war? Present the war
as a means of creating safety for the citizens.

People vote for politicians who promise these things. Politicians use this technique
because it works. Can you imagine a politician running on the basis of promoting
deferred gratification and telling people they must fend for themselves…. and that
government programs actually impoverish them? Any politicians want to try this?

People want government to make life’s difficult decisions for them. When do people
retire? They retire when they are sixty five. Why?….because social security deems that age as the
proper retirement age. It is a requirement of age but doesn’t need to be. It easily
becomes a standard.

We have IRAs. IRAs determine how and when people invest.
Healthcare? People expect healthcare to be free to them. They also want the government to decide what treatment they receive. Jobs? People expect government to create opportunities for employment.
Government cannot do these things but it is assumed that it can. This is human nature.

I have repeatedly made the point that it is the mindset of citizens that is destroying the
country. There is no such thing as actual freedom for a population that seeks these
things from their government. Surely you get mail from candidates. Notice that those
who get elected offer to do things such as those I have mentioned. This is what people
want to hear and they vote for politicians they figure will accomplish these tasks. In some states , folks are expecting government to prevent their peers from insulting them.

So, why do I forecast a complete collapse of our economy and political system?
Government can’t do these things. All of the ingredients that are necessary to maintain a
free society have been removed. The necessary ingredients for an economic recovery have
been removed. People may end up in abject poverty but that is no reason why they can’t feel safe. Americans will get exactly what they ask for.

Views: 10

Animal Behavior In Humans

Human beings generally are offended when
animal behaviors are ascribed to them.
But: take even a casual glance, and it is easy to
notice – especially in the aggregate, animal
behavior is mostly what is exhibited. We
don’t want it to be that way, right? So, the
thinking brain is always assumed to be in
charge. Seeing animal, or instinctive behavior
can be noticed just by looking at some parallels.

Suppose a person sees a dog and wants to make
use of its time and energy…. in other words own
it. What does a person do? He offers it a treat.
With a few more treats, the dog bonds with the
human and becomes loyal. The dog will then serve the human in countless ways that are worth far more than the treats. The dog will remain loyal even after a man whips it with a stick.

Suppose, Facebook wants you to subscribe, so that they can make use of you as a target
for advertising. What does Facebook do? It offers you a treat, which turns out to be a
page where you can advertise yourself and all you do in the world.

Both dogs and humans will undergo substantial stress and hardship before giving up a

Facebook can take away a human’s First Amendment rights, manage his opinions and
expose him to propaganda from the state. This is abuse that rises to a higher level than
whipping a dog. So, what does the human do? By no means is he going to leave
Facebook. Facebook is the source of his treats.

Views: 10

Why The European Union Is So Miserable

Have ordinary citizens ever petitioned their
government – wanting to consolidate their
governments into one unit? I remember no
such initiative. So, does that simple observation
mean anything? No, not unless you think about

Where do ideas for political initiatives come
from? Do they just spring up from out of the
concrete and embed themselves in the minds of
the people? Probably not , but they do have to
come from somewhere. Some might argue that
these kinds of initiatives are divinely inspired.

There are other possibilities. In today’s world , all political initiatives are for profit. So,
having all Europeans submit to a higher authority must be good for the various entities
which make these things happen.

Here is exactly where the misery ensues. Remember the old and underused adage of
natural law, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unfortunately
that bit of ancient wisdom and logic is only used as a platitude. Take it seriously and the
world looks a lot different,  and what happens makes sense.

The consolidation of power is much more conducive to absolute corruption than is the
corruption present in the governments of each individual country. So you folks in
Europe end up living in a hopelessly corrupt system.

One other point is that anonymity renders each individual as meaningless to a system’s
leaders. So, if it seems nobody at the top loves you and you are only a cog in the wheel,
that is because it is absolutely true.

Folks in Europe, don’t think I am picking on you alone. Here in the U.S., we are already
further down the road to destruction than you are. Organized crime owns our healthcare
industry. Our life expectancy is plummeting. Our citizens are compliant to the point of
self destruction. Join us if you wish but I seriously advise you not to.

Views: 16

What Sin Actually Is

Adaptive behavior is that which contributes to the survival and well being of a species. Mal-adaptive behavior is just the opposite, Mal-adaptive behavior is what causes a species to go extinct. According to Jesus , anger and other negative emotions constitute sin. A person experiencing anger is harming himself. Is that not true? It is also written that the wages of sin are death. The wages of mal-adaptive behavior are also death. Sin and mal-adaptive behavior are one and the same. Sin is the descriptive term in used in religious circles. Mal-adaptive is the term used in secular discussions.

Is it a sin to believe lies? Of course it is. Believing lies constitutes mal-adaptive behavior. The
greatest disasters in history have been the result of the massive belief in lies.

What is typical of sin/mal-adaptive behavior?

Is smoking a cigarette a sin? Is smoking a cigarette mal-adaptive? Those questions are easy to
answer. Does mal-adaptive behavior offend God? That is a different question. Mal-adaptive
behavior is the same with people who don’t believe in God as it is with people who do.

Are there any benefits to sin? Yes, there are. Where there no benefits no one would want to sin.

The most clear characteristic of sin is that benefits are generally up front. The costs go on for as
long as eternity. Let’s suppose some sin leads to happiness. Happiness really doesn’t last forever.
The cost of temporary happiness, can easily exceed the benefits …. over time. It constitutes
mal-adaptive behavior when that happens. Is happiness worth the price? Very often, it is not.

Mal-adaptive behavior and sin are one and the same. Terms used in old scriptures have parallels in
the secular world. Only the language and  connotations are different.

Views: 26

The Righteous and Ridicule

Here is a good definition of ridicule.

“The act of using words, gestures,
images, or other products of expression
to evoke laughter or contemptuous
feelings regarding a person or thing.”
American Heritage Dictionary.

I ask you. is there ever an occasion where a
good thinking, highly sentient, honest person
should use ridicule as a tool or for any reason?
At first glance it seems one would lower ones
self considerably by engaging in such unsophisticated simple minded discourse.
Even non – Christians seem to believe Jesus was honest and straight forward. Continue reading

Views: 10

Letter To My Congressman

Henry Cuellar:

Sir, I am James Quillian, Author of the Fantasy
Free Economics blog. I have a unique
perspective on what is developing in the United
States in terms of economics and politics.

Both the economy and our political system are
going to collapse. This will probably happen
prior to the 2022 elections. Since you are the
congressman from my district, I am going to
offer you some advice as to how to protect
yourself and hold on to your seat in congress.

What I recommend to you is that you practice
the art of not knowing, when damage to your
constituents can no longer be denied.

Your support of the Affordable Care Act is known and well documented. The public is
already starting to cite this act as a set of skimming operations designed to benefit all
who lobbied for its passage. You must convince your constituents that you had no
knowledge of, or any way to know about the actual sinister nature of this bill.

Constituents are coming to understand that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
is just another income – transferring spending bill that has a completely negative impact
of those who vote for you. You must convince people that you had no idea the bill was as
bad as it is.

Folks are also starting to understand that all stimulus – monetary and fiscal…. simply
constitute welfare for the rich. Of course, it must appear that you personally have had no
way to know this is the case.

All of these postures require practicing the art of not knowing. Surely you know how to
do this. All incumbents do. You have the reputation of being the brightest and most
educated lawmaker in Washington. So – in your case, convincing your voters that you
didn’t know things that are perfectly obvious, will not be that easy. But, being the
shrewd politician you are, surely you are up the the task.

Views: 11

Stimulus The Political Tool

Many times, I have written that whether it is
monetary or fiscal that stimulus is a political
tool. It has no honest application. It is and has
been a big lie from day one.

Why is it impossible for stimulus to to have a
net positive effect on the economy? I can give
all kinds of explanations as to why, both
abstract and down to earth. That is nice and
perhaps would be entertaining but it is not
necessary. Human nature does not allow these
programs to work.

Keynes, the father of stimulus, certainly argued that objectivity and non-bias were completely necessary. Keynes did not grasp that objectivity and non-bias are not possible in government. Government cannot make economic decisions. Governments make only political decisions.

A kid with $5 in a candy store makes an economic decision. Congress or the Federal
Reserve make political decisions. That being the case, there never has been and never
will be a case where an economic decision is made with respect to stimulus. It is a
contradiction and impossible. Keynes called for non bias, but there is no way to get a
non – biased decision – where stimulus is concerned.

So what we have , is stimulus applied one way or another every year. Leaders always find
it necessary. Stimulus is very good for those who get it, but that is not you. To benefit
from stimulus takes massive political power. I do mean massive and that amount of
power is what it takes to dictate policy to government.

Lets see, who has massive political power? Is it the rich or the poor? Look at how the
income distribution has changed since stimulus was virtually made mandatory with the
Full Employment Act of 1978.

What percent of the nation’s income went to the upper 1% in 1978? Find the answer

What percent of the nation’s income went to the upper 1% in 2021? Find that answer
online also.

Use 5% instead of 1% if that is easier.

What you will notice is a massive income increase for the upper 1 percent who have

massive political power and an impoverishment at the bottom who just pay taxes.

The question students need ask their economics professors …. is why it is deemed good to
teach students theories when there is a genuine guarantee that they will never be used at
the right time?

Views: 19